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Extraordinary 2023

Maybe I am not British enough to understand the jokes. Because from my perspective, it is a very childish humor. Not very original and just a little bit funny - sometimes. The story, however, has some very good and touching moments. But it is rather a mildly amusing coming of age story than a comedy or sci-fi show.

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Very, very funny series. Simple premise, good characters, this is gold.

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Starts off quite amusing and novel with a storyline that focuses on a society where most have superpowers but the show quickly plummets. The writing and performance of the actors both come across childish, tepid and unfunny. More and more as episodes go on. Although set in a "British Metropolis", it feels very much like it's a comedy written for an American audience. Perhaps that's the Disney+ formula. If you want a similar show which is darkly amusing then Misfits from the 00s if the place to go.

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[Disney+] It has a fun approach and some well-achieved moments of humor, but in the end it conveys the feeling that it is not worked enough, with a tendency towards easy (and sometimes too predictable) gags rather than character development. The subplot of the superpowers, which is reminiscent of other series, is an addition that is taken advantage of in the first episodes but that later doesn't evolve into anything concrete, as if it were a brilliant idea that remained just an idea.

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Completely crazy premise set a ludicrous scene. And considering the lack of experience of the 4 major actors, they did brilliantly (bonus to Jizzlord who captured the expected weirdness). I did like the premise of Jens mother, whose power is to manipulate electronics with her mind - but like many old people has not figured out how to use electronics

A completely stupid adult-ish comedy. I loved it.

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This was boring. Just boring.

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The whole time i was like oh god is she gonna fuck her cat

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This show actually does what She-Hulk claimed it would be. A funny, female centered, comedy in the superhero genre. It is also as close to The Boys as Disney+ is ever going to get. Just replace the gore and violence with Irish comedy and you have a very good idea what the show is going to be.
It has the typical female jokes: men can't find the "CLID" , are a bit simple, etc but does it in a way that doesn't get old and in turn also is honest enough so the men watching get a few laughs.
Not preachy, just warm entertainment that seems to be effortlessly funny.

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This is like the comedy version of the boys..i finished the first season in one day

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No Heroics meet Powerless.
As good as niether but overall Ok.

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I'd just like to point out that Jizzlord as a cat is female.

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Season 2 rated a 7. Show rated an 8

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I can’t believe I’m saying this but I need more of Jizzlord. His dynamic with the world is so great, it’s simple.

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Extraordinary - :heart:x7

This is a really fun, quirky show. It's a simple show, and the story and acting are all very good. Cant wait for the next season.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Annoyingly annoying. It wasn't necessarily bad, but it's far from decent.

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Show and season 1 rated a 8.6

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Is it just me or does anybody else not find this amusing?. I have rarely come across such other rubbish!

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Main character's other than Jen are distinctive. Jen also has character development, but only a little bit and at the end. Premise is not novel, it has been done in many books. But the characters bring the plot forward.

8/10 characters
4/10 plot
8/10 world

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I think this show started better than it ended, I just didn't find the main storylines all too enticing. Still an novel idea however, interested to see how they follow on with a second series.

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Great discovery. Super funny. I really hope they make season 2 and don’t leave the cliffhanger hanging

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Holy crap this is a great show! The star, to me and by far, is Jizzlord! This is British comedy at its best, there is very little to fault in this show, it's just pure entertainment.

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What fun! There were situations for which I can only use the term lmfao. :D Can't wait for season two.

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