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Season 1

ok so climate change, nice another Greta in a hologram.
We are still waiting for the countries that were suppose to extinct accorgind to Al Gore and from what i saw from the less boring 1st episode is that they are now 9 billions. Nice! one thing that they could control they didn't.
episode 2 was unbearable.

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Well, episode 2 was already boring and I was hoping it would get better, but 3rd episode is truly insufferable. I'm out.

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What in the world was this. The complete first season is by no means exciting and incredibly dull. The only episode that was kind of enjoyable was the Edward Norton one, the rest was meh. It feels like a mediocre Black Mirror wannabe with a coating of pretentious climate change bullshit. I don't know if there will be a second season, but I don't care either way, it will not be watching this ever again.

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