Shout by Erebos
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-04-09T19:03:41Z— updated 2023-04-12T21:41:06Z

Although it had a lot of anti-blockchain propaganda, it was a good story. Very Black Mirror-esque.

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Delete memory...lol. That's literally me with my Google Photos. Keep going over capacity on storage.

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Wow, this episode was great. Got real Black Mirror vibes from this.

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A brilliant episode. The story was really heartbreaking but the phenomenal performances made it all worth the watch.

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Geez, that was all flavors of heartbreaking. Ezra having married a girl he met as a child, them having a somewhat perfect life, only to have it all snatched away... Then there's that dreadful existence. To add salt to the wound, his mother was completely right, he did go on to have several lives because they fixed his heart. ☹

You may not like it, but that's what Salvation:tm: looks like. It makes stuff like "Fifteen Million Merits" seem like a breeze.

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"Crypto is killing us with the carbon footprint" :rolling_eyes:

They clearly didn't research the way crypto is moving away from the use of heavy processing power, and even moving towards the promotion of renewable energy.

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Holy shit. I wish I could permanently forget that I watched that abomination of an episode.

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