Fantastic episode! it's great to see the show leaning more into its serious side, although many of the main characters' quips distract from the general plot in a way that can be jarring at times.

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So sad.

Don't know why I waited so long to pick this up again. Worth the wait though...I can feel it so sharply.

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The show is really cooking now. Season 3 started a little slow for me with the Final Space stuff, but the last few episodes have been hot fire that are reminiscent of brilliance of the 2nd Season. And we're only at halfway.

I say this every episode, every comment - but boy this show is cinematic. I just love it. There's so much heart at the centre of each episode that other animated shows really miss. And that score - it may be overlooked but when it creeps up on you, it really adds to the atmosphere.

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