Shout by RoxieVelma

I'm sorry but there is absolutely NO way that Courtney won that online returning fan favorite poll. I mean I didn't hate her like some people did, but there is no way she won over the other people that were on that list. Pretty sure they just picked her on their own to help move Spencer's storyline along. With all that being said, I love that Spencer finally got to "see" his mother and when he found out she was a "townie" I almost cried from laughing. Glad she left out the part about being a stripper though.

Oh and of course Elizabeth wouldn't tell everyone that Jake is actually Jason so she could have him all to herself. Weirdly I couldn't stand original Liason (I was all Liz and Lucky back in those days), but I actually like this Liason 2.0. Still I'd rather see Jason back with Sam where he belongs even if I like Sam and Patrick together.

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