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grown-ish: Season 2

2x05 Girls Like You

Rattail and pineapple. Damn, Aaron, you keep making it hard to root for you, dude.

Whoa, that's a U-turn for Nomi. From "I'm not some experiment, Ana. This is my life" to this? I wouldn't even mind the retcon if Nomi had been called out on it instead of actually trying to call out Ana to save face and it ended there. I would have accepted "we're friends" or "no drunk girls", but Nomi acted all high and mighty back then and the complete opposite now. She either had been a hypocrite then (and would have been ok with being an experiment, just not Ana's) or she's a hypocrite now.

I'm glad they threw in the "Luca is a quiet lover" remark. It was a simple yet effective way of confirming Zoey isn't scarred or anything.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

An interesting plot development for Nomi and I can see a lot of reality in her realisation at the end there. Pretty cool to have the ever charismatic Kate Moennig in that Prof role.

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