Personal Lists featuring...

Handmade in Japan 2017



You know what I'm talking about. Monsters based off Japanese folklore, martial arts like Judo or Karate, ninjas and samurai fighting to the death, Katanas = "Glorious Nippon Steel Folded Over 1000 Times", the annie mayz (anime) and the otaku that obsess over them, J-pop being worshipped, etc!

This isn't a list for ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING JAPANESE, but media with an emphasis on Japanese culture. Japanese people enjoying Japanese things like anime and ramen don't qualify unless there's an emphasis on educating viewers on anime/ramen facts. Sometimes I'll throw in applicable "weeaboo" (Japan fanatic of non-Japanese descent) characters in here just because I can, baka-tachi! WIP desu yo.


A list of documentary series based on info from docuwiki. There's bound to be some series that may not belong or may have matched incorrectly.



  • Sorry in advance for this being mostly anime. :(

  • Excludes indigenous/minority people such as Ainu, Ryukyuan, etc., who go in the Indigenous Asians list, unless they're mixed and qualify for both lists.

  • In an attempt to sort my ethnicity/race lists better, I've created separate lists for people of Chinese, Filipino/Philippine, Japanese, and Korean descent, all listed below. I also have less specific lists for the Middle East/North Africa (and one for Jewish people) South Asia (Indian subcontinent), Southeast Asia (excluding PH), and indigenous/minority Asians (ex. Altai).

  • I know that some Asian countries/regions are incredibly diverse, but hopefully this decision is more helpful than having a catch-all list for everybody. Let me know if I've made any mistakes!

  • I'm always open to recommendations! See for ways to contact me if you don't have a Trakt.TV account.

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Might be a little biased, I'm an artist myself. Includes visual artists, not sure if I wanna include, say, actors or writers. WIP.
