I’m so lost as to what is happening. The whole journey to the underworld was a waste of time and distraction. Only 3 episodes left, I hope they make sense of this story.

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That fight scene at the end with Marisa was laughably awful. Really bad.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Okay the seed pods are in I'll calm down. I appreciated the time with Mary in the Mulefa's world but I guess it wasn't as clear as in the book just how much time she spends there living with them and learning their language. It felt very expedited here. Trying to make all the story threads marry up I suppose.
Not long till the end and super curious how true to form it will be!

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She leaves Pan, and then is fine like 2 minutes later? What? This whole land of the dead place seems extremely inconsequential. 3 episodes left, I hope something comes together here.

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No, I'm sorry Lyra, you've left Pan behind, no, you're not a good person...

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