Guilty pleasure kind of series. It was very corny and self-congratulatory at times but enjoyable nonetheless.
The scene at the restaurant between the two black actresses was the best.
I was cheering for them at the Oscar ceremony as if it were a real live broadcast, lol.

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That was more emotional than I thought it would be

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What a wonderful show. It wasn't at all what I had expected at first. Lovely story, and lovely directing.
Odd, but very refreshing to see "Sheldon" in a different role.

Just to say one, possibly unpopular opinion, but... anyone else share that sensation that Rock Hudson in this has a really, really punchable face? I can't stand watching him on screen at all. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I was on my knees! It was a cherry-sweet ending but it didn't leave a loose character arc.

As a gay man, consider me in tears.

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