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I really, really love deep and emotional friendships, especially when two people are even so comfortable and trusting around each other that they'll cuddle and hold each other (platonically). So when I saw the scenes with Bonnie and Frank I was so happy at first because they seemed to have such a strong bond and it was adorable to watch them cuddle and support each other.
But of course it turned into something sexual. And I'm so, so, so goddamn tired of it. This show turns nearly every friendship into something weird and sometimes it's even completely out of character and out of the blue (cough Laurel and Wes cough). And it just adds even more unnecessary and forced relationship drama.

TL;DR Please keep some friendships alive! Friendships are good! Not everything needs to be sexual!

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Is not Laurel.... or Michaela.... or Oliver....
I don't want it to be Connor, but I like Wes and Asher too.
The suspense is killing me.

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At first when Bonnie and Frank reunited and hugged I was so happy for them, even tho the whole situation is sick, but I’m annoyed it turned into something sexual and Frank leaving turns it into heartbreak and drama.

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I think we all know which episode Viola Davis will be submitting for the Emmys

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