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Inside No. 9: Season 8

8x05 3 by 3

The episode I watched on BBC Two does not match the description above. I watched an episode about a game show called "3 by 3" (or 3's A Crowd). The usual opening with the theme music did not occur and I thought at first that there was a scheduling error, but the BBC announcer at the end clearly stated it was Inside No. 9. Good episode with a surprise ending.

Edit: placed in spoiler tags so to not ruin the possibly intended effect.
Edit 2: I see they have corrected the title and the description. :smile:

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Brilliant. The thing that was 'off' was subtle but built throughout the episode.

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originally advertised as "Hold on tight" an episode based around "on the buses". instead a game show episode 3x3 was shown.

if watching when first televised it would have been confusing as it mimicks the classic British game show so well. The episode title & description has since been updated so some of the excitement of watching at premiere has been lost.

minus this premiere confusion the story is pretty simple and by itself wouldn't rate high for me or be one I rewatch much. I do however admire the risks and creativity this team continues to take. It keeps me watching this show even when the episode doesn't work for me. If only I could watch these at original broadcast.

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Among my favorite In9 episodes, but understanding that it only takes full effect if you don’t expect to be watching an In9 episode (which happened to be the case for BBC spectators).

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Bad, there wasn’t any twist until like the last 2 minutes it was just game show the whole time
Only watch it if you like game shows and would find that entertaining

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