Going through so many emotions

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Loustat's first fail marriage era is oft forgotten and deeply underrated because of its more explosive counterpart in the back half of the season but damn is it jucy. This episode is also so foundationtional for the whose series' approach to memory; the odyssey of recollection will always be such an iconic narrative frame. "Is My Very Nature That of the Devil" you will always be that girl.

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omg Louis loves to act like he's so much better than Lestat. that in the face of Lestat's almost indiscriminate violence, he has a moral centre. and while Louis feels guilt in a way Lestat never does these two are truly cut from the same cloth. under all those fancy waistcoats selfish loneliness fuels them both.

god the character writing on this show is brilliant

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Wow, I'm angry at these racist people. And I'm angry at Lestat. Only my Louis is good on this.

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