definitely uncharacteristic of this show to have a one-off episode, especially with relatively short seasons… but i’m honestly not upset about this!

it feels like the perfect culmination of the “memory is a monster” recurring idea, molloy being off his game, and emphasizes the twisted web all the main characters are with each other.

the loumand relationship (like the others) is just so demented, but the chemistry and (some sort of) love is obviously there. that fight was crazy to watch, they just had no issue going for each other’s low blows. it’s very interesting though how loustat never fought much verbally, with the big physical fight being in last season’s episode 5, while this instead shows the power of words… in how they can change someone or dominate them, and the consequences of every word spoken, unspoken, and forgotten.

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Louis and Armand's fail marriage AND Daniel and Louis friendship arc. Couldn't ask for better.

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anatomy of a fall, san francisco version.

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i was clenching my jaw and hands for most of this episode. so much tension build up, and so much spoken through their eyes. jacob anderson is perfectly cast, they're all perfectly cast really. i liked seeing more sides from armand this episode.

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