[6.6/10] One of those episodes that isn’t exactly bad, but is mostly just a bit lacking.

I know that The Gang are already pretty extreme as characters, but episodes like these reduce them to being even more caricatured. Dennis is a psychopath; Dee likes doing characters; Frank is an unpredictable loon; Charlie is an idiot, and Mac is a closeted gay man. These are all the most basic, surface-level characterizations of the group, and this episode never really gets beyond that in trying to craft comedy.

The bit with Dennis trying to start “Paddy’s Wagon” as a mobile bar hits some predictable beats. There’s the patina of commentary about new social media marketing and technological innovation going awry, but it’s pretty tepid. And the bit with Charlie and Mac trapping a leprechaun is forgettable save for Charlie’s immitation of Resevoir Dogs.

There’s a couple of good gags, like the running bit about Charlie drinking paint, and the fact that the solution to the Charlie-Mac part of the story is the inevitable conclusion to the Dennis-Dee-Frank part of the story, but overall, this is a lesser light.

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One of the most villainous episodes of the whole show

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