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JJ Villard's Fairy Tales 2020

I honestly don't know who finds this entertaining... basically just the creators going out of their way to gross you out with blood, guts, poop and vomit humour that isn't even remotely smart. Just not for me but I'm sure there are people who like it

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im open to the weirdness that is synonymous with Adult Swim and quirky unique animation that they embrace, but this just feels lazy, mean spirited with no endearing qualities. poor effort, imo. even with the short episode runtime, i wont return for more.

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Such a garbage show. Litterally only aspect the show has is heavily relying on shock and gross out humor. It's like Mr.Pickles but somehow worse because making a gross out show based off of fairy tales is one of the most creatively bankrupt ideas I have heard in awhile, I don't know what Adult Swim employee greenlight this show but he needs to be fired.

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Shout by sp1ti

If this show has one major draw then it's the artstyle imho which I dig a lot. Problem is that while those crude versions of Fairy Tales would look great as a series of artworks it comes across kinda shallow and sometimes dumb when corporated into a full "story". Still, didn't hate it and would watch more of them as my leniency for 10 minute episodes is quite high anyways.

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