So glad I read some of the comments first, otherwise I may not have been prepared for the disappointment.
Also, this episode's title is really the official and personal farewell to us, the viewers - a fat middle finger from the PTB.

The only "winner" in all of this is Pam, and we pretty much met her yesterday.

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Well, a shitty ending to a shitty last season.

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hi i have a question is this a joke

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they really went the Elektra (2005) route of setting up a big mysterious super dangerous and highly lethal antagonistic group only for them to get rekt in a matter of minutes huh

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bury your gays should never be an option

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this was very anti-climactic in my opinion, carolyn was never trust-worthy since the 1st season. This was a terrible ending to the poorest season of the show. Should've gotten Phoebe back into the writing room. The ending was predictable since konstantin got killed last episode. Show had so much potential sad to see it end like this.

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Can't believe this episode ended with them hugging and absolutely nothing else happened after that.

In all seriousness, I thought we as a society were over killing sapphic characters for shock value, but I guess not. What a disappointing conclusion to a horrible season. Phoebe Waller-Bridge created such a fantastic show and Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer consistently knocked their performances out of the park, and for what? Season 2 was already a letdown, but after that the show just became a parody of itself and it was clear the new showrunners had no idea what to do with these characters. The last 3 minutes of this ep were pure clownery. How groundbreaking to kill off one of the leads and leave the other in anguish. I hope Laura Neal doesn't cut herself on all that edge.

I guess at least Sandra got a Golden Globe, Jodie got an Emmy, and they got to dive tongue first into each other's mouths. Good for them. I hope their next projects treat them better.

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To say I'm disappointed would be an understatement. I had a feeling they would kill one of them at the end, but boy, I did not expect it to be that shitty. And killing the 12 in half a minute? That's just dumb

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What a terrible ending. God forbid they let them be happy like in the books. The kiss scene was incredible and their chemistry is the only reason this season wasn’t a complete waste of my time.

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I enjoyed the first half of this episode but the Big Bad of The 12 ended up being a total non-event of faceless nobodies, to say nothing of Villanelle being killed in the final minute.

Like others have said, the people behind this show squandered a terrific first season and an excellent cast to bring us a steep decline in quality. The small blessing is that it ended after 4 seasons rather than dragging it out for longer.

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This season and the previous season were too much of a letdown for me to really feel much at all about this finale. All I can feel is "eh".

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What on the sunset Boulevard was that garbage?????!!! No wonder Jodie & Sandra Oh didn't promote this :poop:

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The ending was really bad and disappointing

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Villanelle and Eve have become 2 of the most insufferable characters in television history, yet the show treats them like the audience is on their side. Easily one of the worst final seasons and finales I’ve seen in the last decade. Thanks for wasting my time, guys!

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Shout by Up
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-05-21T21:51:45Z— updated 2022-12-07T20:25:47Z

When the end appeared on screen, it made me speechless. The Twelves, complex criminal organization, gathered in one place and were murdered in just 1 minute by a single assassin. Villanelle’s death is no surprise for me but how it executed is very disappointing.

There are no clearly answer to many plots i.e. who killed Kenny, who actually run the Twelve, who pulls the triggers on Villanelle, what about Konstantin’s daughter. Pam’s storyline was intrigued at first but end with such a light impact to the main story. I feel like this season has more filler than plot-driven episodes.

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Wow. What is this 2016? Didn't anyone get the memo that the 'Bury your gays' trope is overdone?
Fucking unbelievable. They actually managed to salvage a really sweet, romantic moment between the two of them in amongst this trashfire of a season (the last few in fact). The kiss on the road was beautifully done and I take back what I said about Sandra Oh kissing women.

That was an unnecessary and a poorly executed shock factor ending. It does nothing the redeem the low quality this show has sunk to. Instead it feels like a twist of the knife in the gut of all the viewers who were watching because of their pairing.

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I was never expecting a happy ending or even the characters surviving, but the execution felt silly. But then, I couldn't take this season seriously ever since they inexplicably reset where they left off the central relationship at the end of S3 and kept them separate and rehashing the same old conflicts for the majority of the season while introducing new characters and inconsequential plot... for reasons? Relying on the actors'/characters' chemistry does not a well crafted story make.

As others have said, it's just sad, given the potential we all got hooked on in S1.

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Disappointing ending of disappointing season :slight_frown:

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this ep does not deserve 1 ☆

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After everything Villanelle did, to give her a happy ending with her and Eve riding into the sunset would have felt too fan service-y. Still, The End title came too suddenly.
I thought that Eve was going to hold her in her arms and say goodbye. But I guess that's a cliché, too.

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That was a short episode. Only 38 minutes?

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that was an absolute dogshit ending what the fuck

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Such a bad ending to a great show. It went 2 seasons too long in my opinion

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Booo :tomato: :tomato:

I thought the season itself was interesting as we got to see a bit about Carolyn who I’ve always thought was fascinating but I’m still confused as to who created the 12. Their demise was anticlimactic too.

My main dislike about this ending/episode is why did Carolyn deserve to come out a winner? I liked her but the show could have ended with them embracing on the boat and Carolyn taking credit for killing the 12. This ending is very much giving Lexa/Clarke from the 100 and if this wasn’t already the end I would stop watching this like I did that. :rolling_eyes:

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This season and "finale" were such a letdown, even season 3 was getting a bit poor. Really lost its mojo from season 1 and 2 which were fantastic

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This feels like GOT all over again. Abysmal ending of the horrible season. We don't get to know who the twelve are, we don't get to know who ordered Kenny's murder, the twelve got wiped out in less than 2 minutes, Carolyn turned out to be a villain. What a joke. The show had so much potential, it started amazing then it crashed and burned. Whoever wrote this season should never touch any script ever again.
I haven't read the books, but I'm guessing they are better than this garbage.

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Shout by Agnetė
BlockedParent2024-02-28T21:15:00Z— updated 2024-06-11T09:53:09Z

No, guys, it's okay, there's a secret ninth episode that's gonna come out, the network just wants it to be a surprise!! And Villanelle is not actually dead and then they live gayly ever after (if you get the reference, I'm so sorry)

This is such a weird case of "kill your gays/queers"

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I was afraid that she would die and not the other one.
Everything that happened on the boat, however, was extremely lovelessly staged - as if they hadn't had time to think of a proper ending and as if they had to finish the shooting quickly, quickly.

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The show was called Killing Eve. Inexcusable not to have teamed them up before this point in the season, much less the show itself if that’s where it was headed all along.

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Worst ending I could expect…
They deserved so much better.
Amazing show that got me hooked, and went downhill in the last two seasons… will miss the first seasons and the amazing chemistry between Eve and Vilanelle.

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It was decent enough in what’s been a poor season until the end. It was like the writers just wanted it to be over and done with and rushed it so it was finished. Wish it had a better ending than it did as this show has been a firm favourite of mine since the start. Very disappointing

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i only watched this because my cousin was watching it and i have never seen another episode of this show but what a shit ending

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It wasn't great but then it hasn't been great since season 1. I especially don't like the idea of introducing a whole new character in the final season (just as Peaky Blinders did). It distracts from tying up the stories viewers want to see brought to an end.

Unlike most here I don't have an issue with the ending. It had to be thus and it was quite beautiful. But then I've never been that invested in the "chemistry" that some people saw between the two leads.

My only objection to the ending is that Konstantin - the best character in the whole mess - wasn't present at the end of it all. A very cheap death, that seemed to exist just to fool viewers into thinking they'd had their blood and that other main characters would survive as a result.

As with finding and killing the 12 it does tend to bring the clumsy plot armour of the previous 4 seasons uncomfortably into the spotlight though.

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Dumb ending to a pointless season. At least the soundtrack was good.

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The actual fuck was that!? I am beyond pissed. :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:

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Shout by Jim G.

I had no problem with the ending of this one since I have no particular fondness for unrealistic happily-ever-afters of any kind. And really? People who root for a mass murderer assassin just because of her sexual orientation have some seriously confused priorities. Beyond all of that, nothing in this one remotely compares to the killing of Konstantin in the last episode. At least Carolyn survived. Because as twisted and homicidal as those two were, they ended up being FAR more interesting than either of the leads.

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