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La Brea: Season 2

2x06 Lazarus

I cannot get over how great the dry cleaners are in 10,000 BC!

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The relationships in this entire show is ridiculous. I hate Levi and Eve. Veronica and Lucas is horrible and forced. The only true relationship that’s developed in this show is between Scott and Lucas. And as much as I hate them together Josh and Riley had decent development.

As a side what happened to Sam withdrawing from the meds he was taking?? We never saw that or it was super mild? lol

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Eve to the rescue again. Women of many talents? How?

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If these people are from the future living in prehistoric era, why doesn’t the guards have guns, instead they use sticks and stones. Doesn’t make sense.

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Wait so are these people around and in the building from different years? Obviously none of them are from 10,000 BC that's for sure.

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Gavin’s father’s acting reminds me of Will Farrell giving a dramedy performance for some reason lol.

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This was more fun when there were less people in the past. There's loads of them now. How the hell did they build that facility and why do they want to go to 2076 or whatever year it was, or is that time period an accident?

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Why is everyone going to 1988. Why can’t one person go and grab the kids to bring them back.

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