[6.7/10] What’s weird about this one for me is that I like the plot elements, but don’t really like the ensuing hijinks. Having the gangs that eventually go after Han for the rathtar situation meet up at Maz’s and figure out what happened beforehand is a nice bit of continuity. And you’d have to be made of stone not to enjoy Billy Dee Williams making his first appearance in the Sequel Trilogy era to throw the thieves and lowlifes off of Han’s scent.

But again, we get a pretty generic slapstick scuffle between the various toughs. And everyone fawning over Han as a silver fox is cheesy. And the whole thing ending up in a thief brawl + space saxophone duet feels too broad. But hey, this is probably one of those times I should let a kids show be a kids show. Again, fine for what it is.

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