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Line of Duty: Season 6

6x07 Episode 7

Three votes? Was this episode really good?don't vote as this will not be aired until Sunday 2nd May.

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Episode 5 & 6 were some of the best TV I have seen in a long time... I couldn’t contain my excitement for the finale....
You know when you light a firework and get all excited waiting for the loud and colourful explosion and then it just goes Pffff.. well that disappointment you feel is exactly how I felt watching this finale.
The cliff hanger that lead us to believe Kate had been shot would have actually made a far better finale! I’m so gutted!

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So the big reveal is that the mastermind was no mastermind. Just a bent copper making his money. But theres still corruption at the top!
Nice to see Steve and Kate's friendship is stronger than ever, love it and them both getting help for what they've dealt with.
Most of all I love that Jo got a happy ending. Poor woman deserved it!

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Fizzle! Big time!
I hope they can get back on track in the next season!

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No way that guy is the mastermind of anything, I little gaffe on the writers part, remember that he was being intimidated in jail by some else so it make no sense that he was the big boss all along! the last episode felt like a filler but cool series

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This season has been incredibly strong, but this episode is hugely disappointing. Really not up to par with the rest of the season, or the show in general.

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Line of Duty ended a little while ago now, but it's been a fantastic run and more worthy of continuation than a lot of the garbage out there. Ah well.

Anyway, this ending is a nope for me. It's alright for a season closure, but as a series finale, nah, I'm not having it. I reckon Buckells was ensuring his safety by claiming to be the top man, protecting the real puppet master Chief Constable Philip Osborne. Osborne is also the man who Jo was lead to believe was her father, and Carmichael is on the take. I imagine if we'd been given a season 7, Carmichael might have been pressured enough to talk. Would have been nice to get full closure for the case and for the characters.

9/10 for the show overall... I'll hold back that 1 for the floppy finale. Really gonna miss Hastings' aphorisms.

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Jenny from Gogglebox ripping up her notes after watching the final sums up how I feel. I really feel cheated I really really do!!!

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Oh my. That 'H' reveal. Who could've thought that
It's been AgatHa, it's been AgatHa all along.
And she killed Sparky too!

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Hiding in plain sight. Not a mastermind but a greedy person willing to do anything to make money. Great conclusion to a wonderful drama. Great writing with clear links to what has happened in real life.

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Mehh. Always loved Line Of Duty but I wasn’t impressed with this.

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What a great ending. Could've lasted a few more episodes but such good ending nonetheless. Superb acting and so enjoyable from first to this episode!

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After watching every episode the final one was a complete let down! I am gutted as little action, no twist, I honestly think last night should be the end of AC 12. If I was to score last night episode 7/10.

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Very much felt like a permanent ending, thankfully.

Underwhelming conclusion to a series that has been poor since the second series.

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