Synopsis: Maddie and Willow are practicing for softball tryouts...but Willow isn't doing very well because she can't stop thinking about Joey. Liv does a photo shoot to ensure her lead role in Space Werewolves, only for a mishap to lead to her werewolf ears and teeth being stuck...when she is due to appear on television! Parker wants to help his friend make it to the next belt in karate...but, can he do it?

The Good: I adore shows like this; this was good, clean fun, and made me smile throughout.

The Bad: Nothing, really.

Content Concerns:
Sex: Teenage flirting and crushes.
Nudity: None.
Language: Nothing worse than "stupid".
Violence: Kids break things in karate class.
Drugs: None.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Liv's werewolf garb could be scary; slight emotional intensity.

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