Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-01-31T13:35:27Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:43:48Z

What do you mean we have to wait until May? What is this nonsense?

This was one of the most dramatic episodes yet, but also one of the funniest ones. So many things made me laugh: Ella's rambling, Maze and Amenadiel both being very eager to kill Lucifer, Lucifer electrocuting himself because neither Maze nor Linda were willing to do it, Maze's little "Oops" after killing Mom... Those are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head, but there were many more. And there were also moments that absolutely broke my heart: the conversation between Trixie and Amenadiel, Lucifer's room in hell, Mom admitting her own guilt, that last fucking scene. Overall, this was a fantastic mid-season finale.

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poor lucifer and chloe, i do get why he is upset in a way but he's being unfair to chloe since she doesnt know anything about it, makes him a big player and i dont like that

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How did mum get killed anyways? I thought it was just Lucifer that was weak when he was near Chloe, not mum

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The nature of predestination is a fickle thing and by definition we cannot understand it. But does it mean it is not real?

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I really love this show. And they need to give the person who picks the soundtracks for this show an award.

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God, I love this show.

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I really would love to see Lucifer's wings back

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Shout by AJ

Yep, that's how you kill somebody. Zap them with a defibrilator, and insta-death and hell. You know, the doctor said that the brain only survives for 3 minutes without oxygen... but the soul, zero seconds. No oxygen, no soul! So there you have it, children, never never never ever hold your breath for more than 2 seconds unless you want to visit hell!

Ok, I have to give it to the writers... there are almost none other way to kill somebody and then bring them back to life :joy:. But still! They could have made up some mystical mumbo jumbo, the Dagger of the Almost Dying, or whatnot, instead of something soooo stupid.

Other than that, it was a very good episode... until the ending. I don't know why, they always screw up the endings. It would be a much, much better show if each episode were 5 to 10 minutes shorter. But oh well... pobody is nerfect, right?

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This is a great show, very entertaining and fun ti watch. My recomendation for everybody.

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Yes, it was a good day to die

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best episode yet. More episodes of this calibre please!

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