I gasped when Jarvis shot Whitney with not an ounce of hesitation; it's very interesting to see his darker side here especially because he was mostly reduced to a comic relief so far in this season. The restaurant scene, Sousa being annoyed with Samberly and Thompson make for some very fun scenes and jokes. Zero matter keeps being very uninteresting to me and I'm beginning to think that this season would habe been a lot better if it didn't focus on something supernatural (- and if it ditched the love triangle).

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I thought the episode was amazing until the end of the episode when Jarvis mucks it all up. I get that he is pissed and all, I would be too in a possession like his. But he just completely ignores Peggy and Sousa who have held to there word completely to that point. It really makes no sense. I sill liked the episode but was shaping up to be my favorite episode of the series until the writers seemed to think it was a good idea to put something so completely out of character and logic in the script simply to extend the season.

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Jarvis and Ana, good history. That dance in the head of Peggy

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Shout by Deleted

No hagas promesas que no puedes cumplir.

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