Shout by Deleted

it's all so damn annoying, especially Gert. why do people like it so much?

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Shout by Dahj Asha
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-10-11T21:02:21Z— updated 2021-10-16T21:31:10Z

I'm glad that even Geoffrey is shocked about Catherine's actions.

Not sure what to think about Topher. Everything about him seems too good to be true...

That last scene would've made Michael Bay proud :D (#LensFlaresEverywhere)

Edit: And I'm really glad that someone finally addressed how creepy/scary those two Church of Gibborim sisters really are :D (That was in this episode, right?)

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gender neutral toilets, awesome. if this is really coming it's a awesome waste of money though :-D

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