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Misfits: Season 4

4x03 Episode Three

Superb, hilarious
and chilling.
Somebody give
Joseph (Rudy) an
Emmy already because
his acting range is off
the charts, Holy-shit no
wonder they let him carry
the whole show and make
him the main focus right to
the shows finale.
Rudy blows Nathan
clean out the water.
I need more screen time
for Jess because she's
Phenomenal as well.
I'm not keen on
"Alex from the bar"
I much prefer Seth but
with him at the other side
of the world with Kelly
defusing land mines I guess
we are stuck with
"Alex from the bar".
Well the next one is going
to be a real tear jerker,
so time to collect myself and
press play.

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The “Magic Word “ scene was crazy.

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As they say, 3 are a crowd

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One of the best episodes on the series

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