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Moral Orel: Season 1

1x09 Loyalty

We got introduced to Joe, whom I didn't like in this episode. Clay's drunk driving gets me every single time though. Also, the "you're nice" couple was really adorable. Goals. :cry:
Also Orel starts slightly questioning his father, but of course, Clay tries to prevent that with threats, forcing him to think like him. I really hate this guy.

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This one didn't do much for me. For one thing, it was kind of pointlessly dark, with Orel and Joe beating up the gay kids and Mr. Puppington driving drunk and the like. I'm not against darkness, especially in comedy, but there was a shallowness to it here that threw me off. At the same time, it wasn't much of a premise, with the "loyalty despite everything" seeming out of character for even the suggestible Orel. Most of the episode just consisted of him following Joe's suggestions, which didn't have any of the cleverness of the ways Orel broke the ten commandments in "Fear of God". There was a little bit of spark in the reveal that Orel wasn't in trouble for any of the bad stuff he'd done, but rather for failing to be loyal to his other friends when spending so much time with Joe, but otherwise this was a pretty one-note episode and it wasn't much of a note.

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