So looking at this episode, I guess we now get again a whole season worth of dumb fillers, telling the dreamworld experiences of every major and minor character ever present on the show, before the story can finally proceed again?

This became so tiresome: 2-3 story episodes, followed by a lot of fillers/flashback episodes, then again a little story, more fillers …

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Shout by Joshua R Swanson

Bite marks are not perfect ovals like the anime & manga show; there is always a gap. And Karin's bites to the face are illogical.

So they brought her dead mother's body back to her house. Why? That doesn't make sense other than if they want to be even more cruel. How does 8 year old Karin bury her mother in winter?

Wow this is based on part of a chapter from over 5 years ago when Karin has a flashback to the Chunin exam. Her character works better if she had a more one-sided first encounter like seeing a photo in Orochimaru's research papers. Since being the only redhead in the world should make her memorable to Sasuke.

She actually has logical bite marks right after she kneels in front of the Kusagakure shinobi.

They came back to the opening scene but that is way too much ash from one building exploding.

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