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Orphan Black: Echoes 2024

The writing is terrible. The acting is terrible, a complete mockery of the original. I am so frustrated with the stupidity that I fast foreword past stupidity or pointless scenes, like the killers singing Celine Dion, just to get thru an episode. I'm trying to watch it all so I can hopefully retract and revise this, but the show is so bad, I don't know that I can push myself to watch to the end.

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Word of advice, listen to the podcast continuation of Orphan Black before watching this. It’ll make you less salty, and you will know character names that carry over.

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Almost veers into teen drama early in the season but picks up by episode 5. It’s a great iteration on the OG Orphan Black series. I hope there’s more to come.

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Actually, Krysten Ritter saved this mediocre AMC "all-family" production.

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Orphan Black: Echoes (2023) - :heart:x7

This is not Orphan Black (2013). OB was much more fun and imaginative and had Tatiana Maslany giving us a master class in acting. This show is missing all of that - but is still a decent watch.
And as always humanity never learns - always doomed to repeat itself.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Use Firefox with uBlock Origin (or Libre Wolf browser has it baked in).

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Skip this! just watch(or rewatch) the original. The writing is bad and feels very low budget overall

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Though it's not on the same level as the original, it's an okay watch. There are also regular references to OB to whet the nostalgic appetite.

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How has anyone watched this when it's not even released?

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What is this? It already aired last year.

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It was exciting to see the call backs to the original series and web play. The original ORPHAN BLACK is on my BEST LIST. The story is well written, both as fiction and in highlighting contemporary issues. The acting is stellar, Keeley Hawes and Kristin Ritter, wow! Amanda Fix, the young actress who plays Lucy’s teenage “printout”, Jules, is a great match for Kristen Ritter and a great performer. Wonderful cameos by the original cast. Great Canadian supporting cast. I’m tempted to reduce the rating for leaving us hanging in the season finale but I’ve got both fingers crossed for a second season. I give this series an 8 (eerily brilliant) out of 10.

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Edit: The back half of the season gets WAY better, starting in episode 5.

There are still a few WTF moments where something is so irredeemably nonsensical, but they are far fewer and far between once the show picks up.


I love Orphan Black. I love Krysten Ritter. I’m on episode 4, and it’s a rough watch. The writing in these first 4 episodes is Twilight-quality, and — aside from the two leads and a grown-up character from the previous show (spoilers) — much of the acting reminds me of a high school play.

I’m going to keep watching because this universe is interesting and it’s only 10 episodes, but I really hope the writing, acting, and direction level-up. I want this show to be as good as its source material. It isn’t (yet).

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This was a horrible show. I really dug the original series, "Orphan Black," but this "Echoes" is the worst!

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If you're going to adopt the name of the original series, you're inviting comparison. And this disappointment doesn't compare well at all.

The original had serious attention to detail, a skilled cast, and a compelling, unique story. Sadly, Echoes misses the mark on each of those primarily due to flat-out LAZY writing, but also an amateurish cast that couldn't make up for it.
Had this been a standalone show, not trying to shoehorn in awkward tie-ins, perhaps it could have been a more intriguing watch. Instead each episode just serves as a reminder that production these days is more concerned about quantity rather than quality.

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It started ok but it went downhill really fast!
After the revelation of who they are that pretty much ruined the show for me. Overcoming the fact that it was stupid for those printings, some of the last episodes have a bad story and funny scenes that seamed like the story was written by childrens.
The ending was bad and even for a fan of Jessica Jones please do not come up with a second season or change the writers from AI to humans.

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When does this take place? The actress who plays Kira is almost 50, lol.

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All 10 episodes of season one premiered on November 3, 2023, in Australia on Stan.
Why dont TraktTV use those play days?

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Shout by Deleted

Krystin Ritter, seriously? Mhmhm, hope they won't ruine the opthan black legacy

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