"I've been knocking down piss-pot fascists like you since you were at your mommas titty"...
Unless our Charlton Townsend is in is 20's I guess she was doing that before fascism was even invented then. Now this might be nitpicking but still...

The show remains to be shallow, remains to be basic, remains to be boring and is quick on the rise to be one of the few shows I stopped watching during it's run..

If you want something similar but better watch the excellent Carnivalé. Just beware that this show didn't get the ending it should have had (in fact it didnt have an ending at all)

Oh hey, and how about that almost 10 minute dance routine huh.. Goddamn.

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A total waste of time!

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This episode was soooo bad. The writing, the dialogue, the acting...they managed to make the whole thing a farce. I was embarrassed for them.

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