That was spectacular. They spent the whole night fighting.

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The most metal episode of all time. \m/

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Shout by Ward

Our heroes are on the run from velociraptors. They manage to fend some off (though it doesn't feel like there's any weight to the dinosaurs some of the time) and then they get surrounded. Our heroes were going to die in seconds, their journey ended, but nope! Something happens to drive all the raptors away. Is it a huge enemy just randomly come out of nowhere? No, it's even worse, it's the moon! A red moon just happened to come out right at this second to scare away all the raptors. Does it scare our heroes away? No. So of course in the next moment, the results of the moon coming up are going to face against our heroes in the next seconds, because why else would the raptors run away so fast?

But no, nothing happens actually. Our heroes keep moving until they run into the results of the red moon.

Logic isn't important in this show, but the way the show is made it doesn't take away from the dramatic weight too much, so it doesn't detract from the experience too much for me. The battle with the spider bumped it up to a 7.

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