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Red Rose 2022

This is a really good series. I feel like it took the new online-genre thriller and mixed it with some good old-fashioned thriller material and they did it well. It does appear that if a season 2 is made it will almost definitely have a whole new cast.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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The Lead actress playing Rochelle Mason gives off strong Tatiana Maslany / Orphan Black vibes, while Amelia Clarkson and the rest of the "Scooby Gang" provide a watchable live action version of the eponymous cartoon, albeit with a much more serious and violent tone. All the parents, unfortunately, suffer from teenage drama parent syndrome, meaning, that, other than Adam Nagaitis' Dad, Rick, they are all pretty much NPC's there to say, "you better not", and then give comforting hugs when things predictably go pear shaped, and characters start assuming room temperature through the nefarious actions of the nameless, faceless baddies. Jaya Rabheru is watchable as the cliched' resident nerd clique outsider, turned indispensable heroine, due to her formidable puter' skilz', and, we even have a "body positivity" love(ish) story thrown in for good measure, that, actually is kind of cute and charming.

Overall, quite watchable, and, they left it open ended enough for a probable second series, though, prolly not with the same cast.

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Ok, the BBC trying to launch new content that appeals to a younger audience. I get it, since it's current audience has one foot in the grave. I enjoyed the old school dance soundtrack. But the storyline doesn't grab me and so I've stopped watching.

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worst soundtrack i've ever heard

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This was very Stupid stupid

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decent acting and a quick binge if you're bored, but after suffering through all of pretty little liars i'm a little exhausted by the scary faceless tormentor trope.

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too many plot holes and confusion for me to love it, but i can't lie and say that i didn't binge it or get invested in what was / would happen. but as far as the series on the whole, i'd have to say it's only "okay", because it leaves a ton of loose ends, a lot of things don't add up or make sense, some of the characters are complete throwaways, and overall the concept of "technology bad / schadenfreude voyeurism" is lacking, and leaves a lot to be desired.

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Ever wanted to watch a PG-13 version of Saw? Me either.

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