Lmbo! I'm so glad to hear that this show will get a season 2

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I was LOL when harry said his real name then literally ROFL when he added "My friends call me..." XD

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Started of great, now going downhill fast, and just feels like they don’t know what to fill the episodes with. Totally on brand with SciFi.

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Lisa Casper is a terrible character. It’s like they hired a writer from grade school to write her character.

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Really Love this show, so glad i came upon it by chance. It reminds me in a vague way of "Northern Exposure". So good

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The main plot is getting much more interesting.

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Come on!!! Harry!
One second I think "go aliens go!" and the next second "FUCK YOU ALL ALIENS!!"
What an episode. Can't wait to watch the next one hahaha. But somehow I think thos series will end up like any other movie/serie...
Surprise me! Please

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I like this show, sometimes we just need something Light but worm

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Lmao At 9:03 (Commercial free copy)
Asta: "Let me take a look." (Sticks her hand down Harry's pants) "Um..." (Asta quickly yanks her hand back out) "That part of you is still human. I just touched your penis."
Harry: "I do not mind it. It feels good..."
Astra: "Stop talking."

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Wasted way too much time on D'Arcy. Though, kudos to the character for being a badass and climbing up the crevasse while injured and then hauling up two people.

Also, wasted too much time on the mayor and his wife. Just like D'Arcy, I don't care at all about the character.

Also, how in the hell did David Logan not punch Lisa Casper in the face. That bitch should have had her ass handed to her.

Can we please skip to the annihilation of the humans? That is the only acceptable outcome of this series.

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