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Roadworthy Rescues 2022

I was expecting a car repair/restoration show, but what I got is a banal run of the mill thing focusing more on the host rambling incoherently and standing around looking befuddled in between fast-forward montages of work that had been completed (whether the host actually did any of the work, I don't know. Most of the first episode was him chucking a piece of metal onto the floor pan and washing the engine bay. sigh My quest to find a show that fills my car fixing itch has hit another dead end, I fear.) I'll give it a few more episodes but I'm not holding out much hope. Is it too much to ask to get a car show that actually shows repairs/restorations without all of the 'Chip-From-Fixer-Upper-Shlubby-Aw-Shucks' babble? For a notable car company (Motortrend) they sure are crap at making car themed television shows.

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