[7.3/10] A lot of fun ideas in this one. My favorite sketch was the one with Shredder using plastic straws against the Ninja Turtles for the absurdity of it, along with the Fourth Wall Anonymous sketch featuring Deadpool, Jim, Frank Underwood, and Mr. Robot for its traditional Robot Chicken pop cultural mash-up.

The biggest dud was the Robo-Mr. Rogers sketch, which didn’t really do much with its one-joke premise, and the LOL girl skit, which to be honest, I just didn’t get.

The cold open with The Nerd recounting his tail of becoming robo-ized was amusing enough, particularly given the little girl’s reaction to him and his story. And throwing Bitch Pudding, who I normally don’t especially care for, into Handmaid’s Tale worked surprisingly well!

Otherwise, the tamagotchi skit was good for a quick laugh, the A Quiet Place skit had a fun callback, and the salad-tossing Popeye was kind of gross but had a sophomoric charm to it.

Overall, a reasonably amusing start to the new season.

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