Unsure why this is not well rated on Trakt, it's funny. It's like if Community was a little ethnic, and was about actual student life (Community was more about how quirky its characters are, and not so much about what studying in a university is like). I think it's relatable to any uni student regardless of the country they studied in, but probably wouldn't be as funny to someone who haven't had similar experiences.

Still, well worth a watch. It's short (Pilot + 6 episodes of 30 minutes, about 3 hours and a half) so... not so much of a commitment.

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This show describes the daily life of an international student in a hilarios way. Problems with group assignments, students jobs and learning for an exam are pointed out in a very exaggerated but funny way. Besides, I love all the asian stereotypes and jokes throughout the episodes. Ronny Chieng did a great job!

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Enjoyable watch (especially from an Antipodean - there is a lot of recognise here)

onny Chieng really was about 10 years too old for this part...but not sure it would have worked without him

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Wow, amazing Australian show There are a heap of things I love about this: + shot in Melbourne, showcasing Melbourne Uni. I love seeing Melbourne represented raw on television. It's not dressed up and air-brushed, it's a university campus, warts and all. + yeah, some of the characters are stereotypes, we all knew that guy who was about forty but was still studying (why?). But it's an accurate part of uni life. + the comedy is on point, and topical. + cheaply made, but well polished I really hope this show gets multiple seasons so we can enjoy Ronny's epic adventures in law school.

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Are episodes 6&7 the same programme? They have the name & date. Is this just a typo?

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Are episodes 6&7 the same programme? They have the name & date. Is this just a typo?

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Are episodes 6&7 the same? They have the same date & same name. Or is this just a typo?

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