Weirdest car chase scene ever.

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Tremendous 25 minutes of 2021 TV so far, with a surprise guest star and peak dynamic

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Ok. I was wrong last few episodes. The show was building up to this outstanding performance. Hands down one of the best comedies on tv.

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This episode was pure brilliance

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“I don’t know what you’re talking about but I’m choosing to be offended.”

Today's Niche Pet Peeve: this is my pet peeve when they make movies with Russians in them they always get foreigners to play Russian roles and they butcher the language. And nowadays the roles of maids, prostitutes, and mobsters are reversed for Russians because there are a few nationalities left that Americans can make fun of. Americans really can't live without a "subhuman" to bash on. That's their whole media, education, and entertainment - there's something truly vicious running through that culture.

The roundabout scene was hilarious, one of the funniest moments of the season, hands down.

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Somehow this the most fun I've had in a car chase scene. Genuinely impressed it was pulled off in such a below-average show.

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