Gosh that's too American. I wish to teleport Charlotte into a German sauna. When it's not the ladys' day. That would be funny.

Plus, the main story is again showing one of the biggest issues I have with this show: even when Carrie interacts with other women (other than her friends) in an exclusive all-girl environment she's not showing solidarity to the feminists' cause or thinks about her own desires or aspirations in life, but instead she picks to fight other women (by the means of fashion and make-up and hair) because all what she does and thinks seems to be motivated by gaining the attraction of men. Pleasing men shouldn't be their life goal.

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Are there women in New York who are just there to make us feel bad about ourselves?

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"The woman's an idiot" because of a spelling mistake. Ok, Carrie.

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Team Natasha. Carrie and Samantha are awful in this episode.

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