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Shadowhunters: Season 1

1x12 Malec

me @ alec: HE DID THAT!!!!!!!!!

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Love all the reactions especially Simons

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this episode cleared my skin and extended my life by 15 years i am so Happy for my gay son alec

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The kiss made the whole episode worth no less than 10 stars, and this is my first 10-star rating for an episode of Shadowhunters.
I rarely cry about things in life but emotional scenes like that always make me tear up, and so it did it. The music and the buildup were perfect. I was hoping that Jace and Clary would see that love knows no limits and make out in that very episode as well.

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100% the best episode so far, it is the first time I've actually felt I can see the characters I love from the books coming alive on screen and an episode dedicated to Malec is just the best

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i can't believe they named an episode malec. i love it

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I honestly can't believe that episode even happened

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Shout by Deleted

32:02 was the best moment of Shadowhunter history!!! Malec is ENDGAME!!!

Lydia looked so beautiful in that dress!

Maryse was such a female dog to Alec!!!

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Shout by Deleted

My otp is happen i dont believe OSMEONE HELP ME

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I have seen this episode so many times that I can't even count...

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Finally he does, it's about time

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I've waited since the moment I knew about this episode for this and OMG IT WAS PERFECT!!! I was literally in tears.

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Shout by Redrum
BlockedParent2016-03-30T15:24:18Z— updated 2017-02-11T19:37:41Z

I waited my whole life for this to happen

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I had never screaming so much in my life, I really loved this episode.

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This Kiss! Holy mother of Christ! Pretty sure they are my new OTP!

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Well, the title of the episode already spoiled it, but it finally happened. Still my favorite relationship in the TMI world. Together with Isabelle and Simon of course.

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I just LOVE how Magnus is channeling his inner Jack Sparrow! It is quite endearing.

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Priceless when Alec runs down the aisle and kisses Magnus. Fabulous scene!

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All this gay love story was so irritating, though it was good that Alec did not go through with this marriage to Lydia since it would have made them all unhappy.

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Shout by Deleted

Love all the reactions especially Simons

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