Okay, this is better than Margaritaville, probably my favourite episode, this or Tweek X Craig. Watching this at 16, it was one of the most relatable pieces of media I'd ever seen, it still is very relatable (though now I don't think it is as much, which is probably a good thing) and I don't think maybe more than 10 seconds went by when I was cracking up laughing, despite the fact that it's literally a handful of jokes repeated over and over again.

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Heavily scatological - not one to watch with your mum to get her to like it!

I remember this episode fondly as the one that my (now ex-)wife walked in on me watching, looked at me and shook her head like I :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:really:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: was a subnormal wankerloid...

Ironic really that she’s now pretty much how Stan is in this episode. Surrounded by shit.

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