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Season 2

Spawn's second coming has most of the same strengths as the first- the animation, Keith David's performance- but makes the fatal mistake of pulling back Spawn's screentime. The extra time spent with the supporting cast instead exposes that they're all just archetypes. Wanda's the lost lenore, Terry's the nice guy best friend, Wynn is just Lex Luthor, and the cops are just another Harvey Bullock type with a deadpan straight man. There's no depth or dimension afforded to these characters that help them rise above their cliches, like David's performance and the emotions the script affords Spawn allowing the character to transcend the angry edgy 90s anti hero trope he embodies and instead being defined by the breadth and intensity of his anguish. The Sad Man remains compelling in spite of the show itself.

Everything aside from him is terribly on the nose, over the top, and slowly paced. That being said, the last episode is pretty fun for going all in on Spawn as a horror monster. If you can survive until Keith David's scenes, it's probably still worth watching.

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