When you think like a 90s TV executive or a weekly TV watcher, this episode is a disaster. You expect an exciting season premiere. But this is lame and boring. Even something like the arrival of the mysterious Romulans doesn't change this. And grieving Worf is actually depressing. This is not an exciting season premiere. That said, the 90s are over and we watch shows differently. DS9 benefits from the streaming revolution. Hence, I'll see this episode very differently. This quieter episode actually makes sense. After Jadzia's death the show must adapt and needed a retardation to reorient itself, introduce new Dax and prepare the audience for the rollercoaster that is about to come. And like in last episode I'm even prepared to accept Ben's visions since they are not a gimmick but a central plot device of this show. All in all, a solid episode.

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