Andrew Bloom's comment really sums up my feelings. The episode starts off with so much potential... then quickly throws it all away. Doing a story this poorly is worse than not trying it at all, this one could have used more time in the writing room to sort out the issues before they animated it

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Shout by Ward

Obvious parralels to frankenstein's monster.

"If the volcano erupts" - We then know that's a Chekhov's Gun.

Clever move by Superman to divert the lava.

If i was the writer of the episode, i would have had Metallo questioning his identity throughout the whole episode, rather than him doing it for a little bit and then turning back to a villain. Or if i turned him back to a villain i would have had him questioning himself.

I would have liked the trope of Superman flying to Metallo at the end and holding out his hand, and Metallo rejects it to try and get the kyrptonite, or Metallo reaches out his hand but then the lava flow is too much.

Overall though this is still a pretty good epsiode for Metallo, and we get more nuance with his character in the beginning half.

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