Ugh... what a twist. Who would have thought that they all turn stupid.

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The finale was darker than I had expected. Best finale since season 5 IMO. Cannot wait for S11.

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excellent capper to the best season in years! Bring on The Darkness!

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Shout by Deleted

As a huge fan of Supernatural, this series should have ended few years ago. This season it is a rewrite of old topics, for example: Sam trying to save Dean (and vice versa), some beloved character's death, doing actions with good intentions but worst consecuences, and on, and on, and on...

Supernatural has ceased to amaze me and it has become in a predictable TV show. Years ago, I thought that the best solution to end this series was to kill both brothers, and I still do. They have survived any kind of danger. And when the new antagonist or any kind of stuff jeorpardises their life every new season, for me, it's no longer credible. It's a shame that an awesome TV series has turned into this.

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This season was probably the most dull out of all of them but definitely made it all up in the final episode. Getting here, however, was a long torturous ride.

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Shout by Marth

God damnit, those cliffhangers! At least we get the best ending since season 5.

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this show is my comfort show! bawled my eyes out :cry:

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The way I screamed when Rowena finished the spell. Oh, boys, what have you gotten yourselves into now...

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Weak season sadly. Not s6-7 kind of weak, but still.

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Shout by KaKa

I hate to say it! I really hate to say it!!
But this season has been really dull. It's my humble opinion.

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Shout by Deleted

Cannot wait for the next season!!!

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Shout by Deleted

How I can watch any thing ?

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i'm in love with the mythology behind the beginning of times. well more interesting than the bible

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Shout by Nick

Dang that was a good ending. This show is getting back to it's roots I think and it's amazing.

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Shout by Deleted

(via TV Blaze for WP)

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Shout by Deleted

Nunca, jamás, me escucharás decir que tú, el verdadero tú, es cualquier cosa menos bueno.

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Shout by Deleted

I'm so scared about tonight!

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