Raj and Howard's dynamic is pretty weird at times

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My first 6 of the series in the rewatch - there will be more as we get to the back end of the show. Leonard's eagerness and inept social ability just felt too forced. The Howard/Raj friendship B line (or maybe it was the A - hard to tell this episode) just didn't have enough to it, even though all the characters are generally strong on their own. Neither storyline really worked to it's full extent, which is a shame as the Leonard one - trying to please the typical football loving men, who are a part of Penny's upbringing and culture, has merits.

He's involved in everything, so I understand maybe wanting to allow Sheldon to take a backfoot from time to time, but either storyline could have been funnier with the injection of more Sheldon (e.g. Sheldon between the two men or Sheldon interacting at the football party, and revealing he knows everything about Football, etc.).

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