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The Bold Type: Season 2

2x07 Betsy

Jane is the worst. Trash episode. Get it together Bold Type, I still love you. I think.

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I'm not gonna pretend to understand US politics and the huge debate that is gun control.

But, one of the things I love the most about this show is how open and inclusive it is, and how it always tries to reach that elusive middle ground. It lost a little bit of that this episode with Sutton getting rid of her gun after Jane pushed her.

I get where Jane was coming from, and I'm sure thousands of real life people share her trauma. But Sutton was very open minded and rational about the whole thing and she made valid arguments. I wish the writers would have resolved it differently.

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I am not going to comment on the shoot gun points as I kind of understand both of them. Can’t pick sides. However, Sutton is my favorite character as she can stop and think about her actions, Jane is very impulsive. And as as much as I am Jane in real life, I wish I could be Sutton.

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Independently of what I think of gun ownership, I'm not comfortable with how this episode was seemingly about "seeing both sides" but in the end, Jane just forced her side on Sutton by telling her WHY she likes Betsy. She might have "seen" the other side, but it stopped there. No compromise on Jane's side whatsoever.

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