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Season Premiere

The Cinema Snob: Season 4

4x01 War of the Wizards

  • 2009-08-04T04:00:00Z on YouTube
  • 22m
  • United States
  • Comedy, Special Interest
Before Harry Potter, in the magic land of Taiwan in 1983, there was Richard Kiel. The beginning of Season 4. "War of the Wizards" is a first and a last for the show. It's the first video to be filmed at my new place, and it's the last video to have been hosted on YouTube. I like the old set better too, but unfortunately I don't have a room with wood paneling at my new place. I know, that's a bummer. As for this video goes, I wanted to do a video to co-incide with the new Harry Potter movie (even though I'm personally not a huge Harry Potter fan) so I searched around for some obscure movies involving wizards, and this is what I found. A Japanese acid trip featuring Richard Keil.