All hail to Imelda Stainton.
Every fiber, sound, hair and muscle was brilliantly executed. What a beautiful episode.

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Wow... what an ending. Just finished the story perfectly. Other than the episode dedicated to Tony Bair - which could have been skipped entirely, this season has been as good as it's ever been.


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So here we are at last. This episode feels like a very fitting end to one of the best TV shows ever made. It‘s quite a slow burn but Elizabeth at almost 80 years old reflecting on her whole life and what‘s still to come is a just a very good way to end the show imo. Also bringing Claire Foy and Olivia Colman back was a genius move. I‘ve immensely enjoyed watching this interpretation of the late Queen Elizabeth‘s life over the last years and now that it’s over I will miss it quite a bit. Fortunately one can always start a rewatch.

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Superb show, one of the best I have watched. I cant rate this high enough. The costumes, the locations, the brilliant photography and sets, Stunning. People are iffy about the ending, but for me it made perfect sense. Each of the "past" queens coming back that shows the life the queen had took, the end scene with them all appearing, the queen seeing her own regalia on the coffin and the lone piper. Very emotional ending to a brilliant series.

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I actually thought it was lovely. The ending was very moving.

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Great ending, but for this amazing show, the finale should have been superb. I honestly expected them to add the dead of the Duke of Edinburgh and, obviously the Queen's. I mean, they had the opportunity to finish the series with her dead and it would have been the perfect ending.

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Wow, that was a great ending,

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The last scene was unnecessary long.

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Honestly, this episode was kind of boring. I liked the Charles and Camilla stuff - but that penitence prayer... please, what hypocritical crap. Elizabeth should have put her foot down, and not let those clergymen with all their self-righteousness decide. Harry's despising Camilla, his Nazi costume... okay, that just reinforced my thinking that that boy has needed some serious therapy.

Could have done without that funeral planning - a bit macabre. And the imaginary talks with her younger selfs. I'd have liked flashbacks or scenes in the past better than those talks about whether to abdicate or not. In the end, the speech at the wedding, while at times funny, returned the more humanized version of Elizabeth of the last couple of episodes back to the stiff duty comes before everything-woman and it shamed Charles to a certain extent. But it's led back right to the beginning, I suppose, and, other than ending with Elizabeth's death, this is a good way to end this series.

(And it's good that it's ending because the last couple of seasons were declining in quality - and rising in gossipping and soap opera aspects.)

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Well the finale was bad. They did do the death of Margaret but nothing about Philip or Elizabeth? Like they lived happily ever after? They could've handled the final episodes so much better. Really sad about the missed opportunity. The series was great but it deserved a way better ending

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Honestly, was expecting a bit more for the ending. The whole last season just felt a little flat. Maybe the death of the actual queen made them go a bit too soft? It just didn't feel as grand or intricate as the past seasons, and the constant use of "ghosts" speaking to characters got a bit ridiculous. Overall however, it was a great series that I will probably be rewatching at some point in the future.

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An emotional end to a truly spectacular series. Well done!

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I've put it off as long as I could, but the end is here. The most satisfying ending, to a most bittersweet final season, to one of the most emotional shows, and dare I say, the most well acted show ever. Gonna miss the incredible writing and performances, majestic set design and cinematography, heart-wrenching and uplifting music... gonna miss it all.

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Claire Foy is mother periodt.

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Terribly rushed and condensed season; transparent references to Andrew & Harry's future - the latter slightly better, the walk scene in this episode with the queen nominally asking both young princes' opinion on their father's remarriage but only actually caring for William's was I thought obvious but nevertheless quite well done. Overall just very very rushed I felt, would've rathered they cut it well short in time but kept similar pacing to previous seasons - leaving it open to a reboot to resume catching up even.

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Loved the show but hated the ending how are you going to skip 17 years. One of the worst endings to a show ever

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Love the series hated the ending we'll go down as one of the worst endings in a show history how are you just going to skip 20 years of the Queen's life I don't get it

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i think imelda staunton's portrayal of the queen was too good, in the sense that i was sad to see her/her portrayl go, since i didn't care too much for her IRL. but i also kept getting distracted by the thought that there's no way she emoted this much in real life. i'm probably just biased though.

one thing's for sure - this series has cemented and deepened my dislike of prince philip. and it's really interesting the direction they took harry. i get they wanted to show the "roots" of his "disdain" for it all, especially knowing what happens w/him and meghan, but i feel like it went too far? like someone else said, they did him dirty.

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