[Alyssa] «Sometimes I get so tired that I can’t feel my edges anymore. It’s like melting. But not in a good way».

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«People day moments like this are like ripping off a plaster. The problem is that underneath the plaster, there’s still quite a lot of shit. (...) But sometimes it’s easier if you just leave the plaster on».

«Si dice che a un certo punto bisogna togliersi il cerotto. Il problema è che sotto il cerotto rimane molta pelle (...). Ma certe volte è più facile tenersi il cerotto».

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Alyssa is honestly a really awful person, she can't just treat people like trash because of all the shit she's been through. Todd was a really sweet guy and didnt deserve to be treated that way by Alyssa, who didnt even love him. Im glad Todd and Alyssa are divorcing. Also, I really hope James moves on from ALyssa after he tries to save Alyssa from Bonnie, Alyssa is way too toxic for James. I hope after this we can see James live a good happy life, and Bonnie is still so fuckign scary. Bonnie and Alyssa meeting up, I wonder if Alyssa will die, or she'll survive next epsidoe, im really excited.

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why do all of them talk like if they are taking turns reading a book?

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