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The Flash: Season 5

5x18 Godspeed

I was hoping for a better suit for Godspeed.

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This, this right here, this is The Flash. I haven't been this absorbed by a Flash episode since Enter Flashtime.

Superb episode, I hope the rest of the season follows suit.

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One of the better episodes of The Flash this season.

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Never liked Nora that much, however I do actually like her more now. Not sure if Reverse Flash had good intentions or not helping Nora

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Hands down, the best episode sinds the beginning of this season.

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Cool episode but the writing for Flash and Arrow are too similar. Both have gay kids, both disappear in the future and both have over-used wives.
Oh and both were in Prison. I will say the flash forward in this does kill the flash forwards in Arrow though. They are much funner and interesting.
Barry’s stubbornness towards Nora can be annoying though. Just locks her up without hearing her side or wanting to. He already made up his mind.

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Very disappointed in Godspeed’s introduction to the show

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Wauw Barry... Granted, my kids didn't come back from the future as adults but... You goddamn just abandoned your kid and told her to fuck off. But I guess since the future will be changed you'll look at Nora2 differently... or something...

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Well done Barry and well done writers. Really satisfying.

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Nora has shitty parents... terrible move, Barry.

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For one who finds nora to be pretty boring and annoying. This episode was pretty good. But of course it was because it was directed by a queen

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no way in hell iris west-allen would ever have gray hair but go off i guess

a great ep otherwise tho

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Barry still has some serious mad trigger rage issues when it comes to anything to do with mom-killer Eobard Thawne, doesn't he?

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I was hoping for more Godspeed. I thought for sure they were saving this character so that they could have an entire arc with him. Good episode, I like the Reverse Flash Hannibal vibes, just disappointed with the (lack of) use of Godspeed.

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Wow, I feel the complete opposite of the other comments, other than the when Thawne was guiding Nora . This episode was complete trash. Nora is sooo annoying.

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Well done and congrats to Danielle Panabaker for her directorial debut with this episode! It was definitely one of the better episodes of this season so far.

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They speak shit in the future.This is the worst episode ever.I can barely watch the whole episode.It's better to cancel flash rather than creating episodes like this.

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