"I created a device that converts light into energy."
First of all, light IS energy.
Secondly, if she meant to convert light into a form of energy that we can use, like electricity, I guess the writers never heard of solar panels...

Also, Caitlin, you can't view an EEG (electroencephalogram) in 3D without specifying what the z axis represents. It's simply a measurement, not an actual object. Brainwaves are not 2D squiggly lines inside our heads.

Do they have 5 year olds writing this show?

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2020-03-24T01:46:03Z— updated 2020-03-29T15:38:01Z

So where is real the Iris the whole time Mirror Girl is showing her true colors ? Is she using the bathroom ?

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Not sure why I didn't notice this sooner, but mirror girl comes across like a jonesing junkie.

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Take a minute to analyze the great writing in this show and let it sink in that Maya died cause Adventurer/Rock Climber Nash Wells didn't have a longer rope.

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Rating this episode 10/10 because I longed for an episode that included more Tom Cavanagh. So if you've been following my comments on the Flash, you'll know that I am a sucker for Eobard Thawne and this episode was just what I needed. Things are just more fun with him around too bad he's gone already, would've liked to see more of the internal struggle with Thawne and Nash plus it would've been fun if Thawne had been flying under the radar again like he did in season 1.
Getting super tired of Iris. I'm sorry but are the writers constantly trying to make her character worse? Even mirror Iris is annoying and I saw a ton of potential there to bring forth something like Killer Frost does for Caitlin (and Caitlin doesn't even need an interesting counterpart because she is a nice enough character as is).

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I guess this show is off for another two weeks, I would think at the rate things are going with the real world COVID 19 it may be even longer.

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