Started strong but with this episode the story line just got stupid. So they were not suppose to have a kid & they did. Got screwed and want to now destroy everything. And the fool was suppose to pay attention knowing his girlfriend was going to get pushed and didn’t pay attention. So now he wan to destroy the world so he can go back. Very stupid. Let’s see if it gets better…

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From a very enjoyable first episode, this seems to be going downhill very quickly :-(

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Giving birth and remembering must have been hell for the lady. She knew the risks though. The bad guy should have killed the boss as well. Probably wouldn't have made any difference. The unit could just reset time again.

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They fucked up. They took this risk. They disregarded the warnings. While their pain and suffering is real, and it makes for a compelling story, their decisions afterwards make no sense.

Why is it everyone's fault but their own? How is causing death and destruction across dozens of timelines a reasonable solution for anything?

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I didn't like this episode the first time, and it hasn't gotten better. Too many stupid and unbelievable decisions. When I first watched the show I expected it to be a procedural, where the team fixes one crisis each episode, kind of like Quantum Leap. I think I would've liked that show better.

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